HEED Renewable Energy Recommendations Tool (RERT)
Practitioner and Educational tools
The RERT is part of HEED’s commitment to transform evidence-based methodologies into intelligent distribution systems that take into account community energy needs and aspirations. Built by Scene Connect, with support from Coventry University and Practical Action, this tool aids future decision-making in the procurement and provision of intelligent and affordable energy solutions for displaced communities.
The RERT aids practitioners, NGO’s, policy makers and energy suppliers by allowing them to access technology recommendations based on energy-economic-environment-health performance indicators. This will provide insight on how best to increase energy access in refugee camps and improve sustainability for:
- Cooking Energy
- Household Lighting and Electricity
- Community/Camp central Lighting and Electricity.
How it works: Starting with an Excel spreadsheet, users answer questions to describe the population of the camp, as well as the camp energy infrastructure and energy use of families/groups/individuals. In addition, the tool allows technical data to be added for particular renewable energy and cooking options, which captures at a granular level the local energy context.
Results are presented in the form of an indicator dashboard, where different technology options can be compared with their performance indicator scoring, enabling the planning of energy services that can accommodate present and future needs.
Go to the RERT tool on Github (opens in a new tab)
Please feel free to use the tool and contribute to its ongoing development using GitHub issues and pull requests.
Use this link for more information on technical documentation for tool calculations.
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