HEED Newsletter Now Out!

The January issue of the HEED Newsletter is now available, featuring:

‘The Importance of Co-design for Sustainable Community Projects’

As the HEED project concludes in Khalte, Nepal, Dr Chas Morrison reports back on community engagement with energy interventions and what it means for future projects.

‘Rethinking Energy Economies for Refugees’ Sarah Rosenberg-Jansen, a researcher on Humanitarian energy, based at the Refugee Centre, Oxford University, UK on shifting approaches to energy economies in the humanitarian context.

Operations, Opportunities and Ownership: The Micro-Grid, Kigeme, Rwanda

Coventry University’s Dr Jonathan Nixon, team leader on the HEED micro-grid intervention, reflects on community responses to transferring ownership of the micro-grid from the project to the people in Kigeme Camp, Rwanda.

We welcome contributions and feedback to the Newsletter so we can offer a forum that generates lively discussion, thought-provoking insights and is making valuable connections.

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