D4D Workshops

Before the design and implementation of the energy interventions, HEED delivered a series of workshops,  ‘Design for Displacement (D4D)’. The D4Ds developed energy protocols that embed refugees and displaced people in the decision-making process.

Manor Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda. Tuesday 4th and 5th September 2018

D4D Workshop 1

Programme Speakers and Themes

Attended by representatives from the three refugee camps in which the HEED project is working together with of academics and service providers the workshop aimed to share emerging ideas on the energy interventions to be deployed in the Rwandan context.

Professor Heaven Crawley, Chair in International Migration at Coventry University: issues of structural inequality, the lack of data on energy usage and the role of research in providing energy solutions that embed refugees and displaced people in the decision making process.

Denyse Umubyeyi, RE4R Project Manager, Practical Action:  displaced populations, energy policy and existing interventions in Rwanda and the importance of acknowledging context when designing energy policies and services.

Professor Elena Gaura, Professor of Pervasive Computing at the Coventry University, UK and Obed Muhayimana, Lecturer in Electronics at the University of Rwanda: Engineers can change the policy and practice on energy design if a more holistic approach to energy design for displacement is adopted and engagement with policy makers, service providers and users on energy solutions.

Tomasz Prabucki: Demonstrated HEED enenrgy interventions protypes and how data outputs would be collected from Nepal and Rwanda.

Open Forum Topics: The success of improved cook stoves in meeting the needs of users. Technical issues associated with the development of micro grids and the measures that need to be taken to ensure that energy invention design is aware of, and can respond appropriately to, cultural and structural barriers to increased engagement. Ethical concerns and models of sustainability in developing an energy protocol for displaced and refugee communities. The efficiency of solar home systems, issues of communal ownership and the economic cost of schemes and how to involve households, businesses and the wider community in the planning.
Design for Displacement (D4D) Workshop Sammelan Hall, Shangrilla Hotel, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tuesday 18th September 2018

D4D Workshop 2

Attended by delegates from a wide range of backgrounds including academics, entrepreneurs, NGOs, service users including internally displaced people themselves.

Programmes Themes

Bipin Basnet, Project Development Officer at Practical Action, Nepal and Edoardo Santangelo, Energy Access Adviser for Practical Action: Review of Nepal energy policy and existing interventions that inform services to internally displaced communities.

Dr Jonathan Nixon, Senior Lecturer at Coventry University: Best practice in deciding core values for design for displacement to meet the needs of displaced communities.

Dr Jonathan Nixon and Tomasz Prabucki, Research Assistant, at Coventry University: Monitoring interventions that HEED has developed to improve data collection of energy usage and the ways in which the data will be used to inform future design.

Open Forun Topics:  Design innovations that see street lights having potential  multi-usage of phone charging or music for community activities. Use of energy data collection reimagining the energy design process;  role of monitoring electrical appliances to understand the energy needs and aspirations of displaced communities.


Design for Development (D4D) Workshop Coventry Technology Park, Coventry, UK. Tuesday 2nd October 2018

Workshop 3

Attended by academics and Humanitarian NGO’s.

Programme Themes

Professor Heaven Crawley: Overview of the HEED project and how it is shaping ways energy interventions in contexts of displacement are understood. As HEED is a research project rather than an energy delivery project – greater emphasis on data collection and analysis that help policy makers, NGO’s and governments provide solutions that meet the needs and aspirations of refugees and displaced people.

Glada Lahn, Chatham House: Need for more investment in producing evidence based energy policies and protocols in the displaced context. Several key concerns when providing energy to camps: high cost, limited reliable data, increasing demand but opportunities afforded if energy needs were meet.

Dr Jonathan Nixon and Professor Elena Guara : Demonstrated a series of potential design interventions that will be implemented in all or some of the selected camps starting in January 2019. The role of engineering and IoT in producing evidence based claims that can substantiate improvements to the efficiency and sustainability of energy interventions.

Dr Thomas Yeboah: The need for an ‘Energy for Displacement Protocol’ that acknowledged the energy needs and aspirations of displaced people, encouraged community ownership and sought affordable sustainable solutions.

Tomasz Prabucki: Demonstrated HEED enenrgy interventions protypes and how data outputs would be collected from Nepal and Rwanda. 

 Open Forum Topics: The role that research has in offering improved understanding on how to provide appropriate, cost effective, renewable energy options to refugees.